
Meatball Mayhem

To cheer up my tired husband I decided to cook some simple comfort food. As the day had been dark and rainy, I felt like comfort food, too.

I hadn't done meatballs for some time now so I thought... Let's make some Mafia Meatballs!

Meatballs themselves had nothing too extravagant in them, bread that was dissolved in hot milk, herbs, grated parmesan cheese, eggs, salt, pepper etc. 

After the mixture was roughly combined, it was time to shape the balls and coat them with flour. Please note that the balls began to get bigger and bigger as my patience wore thinner and thinner. Goddamn balls. 
I sent my husband a picture what was going to be the dinner. The little boy He was very excited, clearly comfort food was very high on his list.

Next, I quickly browned the meatballs in a large skillet and then drowned them in tomato sauce that had been simmering away for a couple of hours already. 
As the balls were pretty big, I then let them happily swim for half an hour or so while I prepared the pasta.

I then served the Mafia Meatballs (my father-in-law calls me  lovingly as "Mafiosa", hence the Mafia Meatballs) with pasta and more parmesan cheese. You should've seen the huge grin on my little boy's husband's face. It was literally from ear to ear.

To top it all off, I toasted a slice of my no-knead-wholegrain-bread (I make it a couple of times every week).

Conclusion: Operation "Cheering up people with comfort food" was a great success. However, as the dinner was pretty lardy, today I think I have to survive on lettuce. 
Only kiddin' peeps, round is a shape, too! There are 16 more meatballs to go, I think I know what my mission tonight is. Stretchy pants, get ready!


  1. Hui, oliskohan tuo mayhem ja mafia samassa postauksessa trigannut jossain suodattimessa, kun tuli varoitussivu esiin tänne tulessa. Vaarallista tekstiä sulla :D

  2. Mun lihapullat on vaarallisia, juup. Epäilevät meikäläisen olevan robotti, joten jäädyttivät blogin kunnes ovat tarkistaneet olenko mä ihminen.

    Joskus toki itsekin mietin, että olenko robotti.... Mutta juu en ole. Eli orotellaan kunnes ovat tehneet "ihminen vai robotti"-testinsä loppuun. Huokaus.
